A few thoughts

I like life. It is fun. It is bright. It is sometimes very challenging and even confusing. It definitely brought me to places I have never expected to end up when I was younger.. But it did and it was and is good.. It also probably didn’t bring me some things I would expected to do or have achieved now in my early 30s.

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Be who God meant you to be


God, You have promised me that You will use me to set the world on fire!
You have showed me amazing plans for my life. Thank you for showing me, and thank you for reminding me…
It was, and every once in a while still is, a hard way to learn and to become more and more who I am meant to be, but still I see God’s hand through all the suffering and pain in my life.
And now I’m just looking forward to what will happen next.

Addicted to silence

Actually, I’ve wanted to write this blog a million times already. And now I am writing it on a day that isn’t as glorious and awesome as the last few months. Today, I have no concentration at all, before I really started typing I already interrupted myself four times, because I had to make some Mocha Latte (amazing and healthy recipe!), flip over the LP and find some new batteries for my keyboard. This morning in church I couldn’t focus, while the sermon was very interesting (at least the bits and pieces I did hear), and yes I was talking way too fast last night so my parents couldn’t understand me at all…
And that all because these last few days I don’t notice the effects of my meds like I’ve gotten used to over these last few months.

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House of the Word, house for the word

Today I am sitting in this amazing bookshop. It really does look wonderful. They have a brasserie attached to it, where you have the opportunity to sit and just watch and be…. Something I need to do more often. And where I am right now writing this blog, I do have to say that their cappuccino can use some improvements, but the interior looks amazing!
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Don’t wanna be a star

It’s a quater to midnight right now. I’m trying to fal asleep for the last 90 minutes already, but unfortunatly it didn’t work yet. I stared at the ceiling and thought that it was very bright still through the openings in the curtains. I watched behind the curtains to see the why it was still so bright. The sky looked yellow, even for a city like Amsterdam at night this was not normal. I got up for a bit and I noticed why. It’s the moon. Today it is a full moon and it shines right through the window. And then to realise that the moon doesn’t even shine itself, but just reflex what the sun is giving him. The moon itself is pretty powerless. It reminded me of the song Sun, star and moon by Paul Colman Trio. 

I want to be the moon ’cause it reflex the sun. Don’t wanna be a star that shines on everyone. 

The sun, God itself, gives such a bright light, and I am allowed to reflect this like the moon. I cannot be the entire light, I am not so bright as Christ himself. It’s not daylight, but I can shine a bit of Christ in me. The earth has just one moon, that’s why it still kind of dark at night even when there is a full moon. 

But imagine! If every christian on this planet would be like as bright as a full moon in the sky, you would have millions of moons. then it has to become as bright as daylight. Why don’t we show this as Christians. We have so much power together to show the world God’s love. But we s0 often forget to unite all our lights. There is so much divisions between christians, but we can do so much more and be so much brighter if we just unite our lights. Let’s try to not be our own star. To shine for ourselves and be all individual stars in the sky. Many lightning years from our purpose, losing so much of our power. But let’s unite our strength, work together and look beyond church walls. Then we can make a difference in this world! 

Kwart voor twaalf ‘s avonds, ik probeer al bijna anderhalf uur in slaap te vallen, maar helaas. Ik staarde naar het plafond en vond het wel erg licht langs de gordijnen heen. Ik keek onder het gordijn door naar buiten en zag de lucht geel, zelfs voor een stad als Amsterdam in het donker, was dit niet normaal. Ik hief mijn hoofd op en zag de oorzaak. De maan; het is vandaag volle maan, (of bijna) en deze schijnt recht op mijn raam. En dan te bedenken dat de maan niet eens zelf licht geeft, maar alleen reflecteert wat de zon hem toeschijnt. Zelf kan de maan eigenlijk niks.. Dat doet me denken aan het liedje van Paul Colman Trio, Sun, star and moon. “I want to be the moon ‘cause it reflects the sun, Don’t want to be the star that shines on everyone. De zon, God zelf, geeft zo’n stralend licht af, ik mag dit als een maan reflecteren. Ik kan niet het volledige licht uitstralen. Het is nog steeds geen daglicht, maar ik kan wel een deel uitstralen. Nu heeft de aarde maar 1 maan, maar stel je voor dat elke christen hier op aarde een maan in de lucht zou zijn, volgens mij is het dan, bijna daglicht zo fel… Waarom laten we dat als Christenen dan eigenlijk niet zien. We hebben zoveel kracht met elkaar; maar toch, we bundelen het vaak zo weinig, vaak is er zoveel verdeeldheid, terwijl we samen juist zoveel meer kunnen bereiken. Laten we niet allemaal onze eigen ster willen zijn, onze glans af willen geven, allemaal kleine lichtpuntjes zijn; Vele lichtjaren van het doel af, zoveel kracht verliezend, maar laten we onze krachten bundelen, samenwerken, over kerkmuren heen kijkend.